AGM Invitation
Post date: May 5, 2011 12:28:17 PM
Chair: Mr Eric Couling Treasurer: Mr Paul Thom Secretary: Mrs Carolyn Weekes
Rose Cottage,
Lee, Ilfracombe.
EX34 8LW.
Tel: 01271 863257
3rd May, 2011
Dear Resident,
The Residents' Association is now in its 44th year and is dedicated to upholding the traditional values of this unique village. We feel that it is important to maintain a strong voice in the affairs of the village and to continue to take up matters that affect us all in an effort to maintain the quality of life of the residents. We can only achieve this with the support of the residents of Lee and Lincombe and it is with this in mind, we invite you to our Annual General Meeting in the Memorial Hall on Tuesday, 24th May at 7.30p.m. Refreshments will be available and you will have the opportunity to raise and discuss matters of concern with the Committee and other members.
There will be vacancies on the Committee and nominations for these will be very welcome. Nomination forms have to be with the Secretary by the 10th May. A nominee has to have resided in Lee and Lincombe for at least two years and been a member for the previous financial year.
If you are unable to attend the AGM and you would like to support the Residents' Association either by continuing your membership or by joining as a new member, then we should be grateful for the annual subscription of £5 a household to be forwarded to the Secretary with the payment slip provided below or complete the enclosed standing order form and return to the Secretary, you can also pay on the night of the AGM.
Yours Sincerely,