2015 Lee Bay Hotel - Residents Survey

14 January 2015


Dear Residents of Lee and Lincombe,

Lee Bay Hotel re-development – survey of views during consultation phase

The committee of Lee & Lincombe Residents’ Association (LLRA) has a mandate to put forward the majority views of all residents about the proposed re-development of the Lee Bay Hotel site. If we demonstrate that our process for presenting majority views has been robust, the developers will have to consider our concerns and suggestions seriously (and the local planning authority will seek evidence that they have done so). It is therefore important that as many residents as possible respond to this survey please.

The LLRA committee believes that many residents have expressed views on a number of key issues described below.

For each of the issues, the committee has prepared a number of suggested statements where your views are sought. Every person over 18 and resident and/or owning a residence in Lee and Lincombe is invited individually to complete a survey form.

You may complete the survey online here: www.leeandlincombe.org.uk/survey (you're here now and the survey is below) or, if you prefer to respond anonymously, please complete one of the paper copies of the form that will be delivered to your home and return it in one of the ways shown at the end of the form. If you require further copies of the form please call the LLRA secretary, Carolyn Weekes, on 01271 863257. Please don’t submit more than one form per adult. Forms must be returned by Sunday 25th January please.



The survey is now closed, thank you.

The committee will analyse all responses received by Sunday 25th January and then write to Acorn Blue, copied to the local planning authority and Ilfracombe Town Council. Once Acorn Blue submit plans to the planning authority, residents will have the opportunity for further comment and/or objection, both individually and through the LLRA.

Returning your form:

Please return completed survey forms by Sunday 25th January in one of the following ways:

1.       Complete the survey online at: www.leeandlincombe.org.uk/survey

2.       Leave a completed form in one of the village ‘paper boxes’, one of which is at The Old Post Office in Lee and the other is below the notice board (next to the post box) in Lincombe.

3.       Deliver or post your form to LLRA Secretary, Rose Cottage, Lee, Devon, EX34 8LW


Thank you very much for responding to the survey.